This catalog is a list of movies available to guests of the Little River Inn to borrow. To check-out a movie, please call the Front Desk by dialing 0 on your phone, or come visit us! Supply us with the movie number located in the title of the movie

Please note that not all movies may not be available at all times.

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A Beautiful Mind

I need to believe that something extra ordinary is possible...

20012 h 15 min

At Princeton University, John Nash struggles to make a worthwhile contribution to serve as his legacy to the world of mathematics. He finally makes a revolutionary breakthrough that will eventually earn him the Nobel Prize. After graduate school he turns to teaching, becoming romantically involved with his student Alicia. Meanwhile the government asks his help with breaking Soviet codes, which soon gets him involved in a terrifying conspiracy plot. Nash grows more and more paranoid until a discovery that turns his entire world upside down. Now it is only with Alicia's help that he will be able to recover his mental strength and regain his status as the great mathematician we know him as today..

Title A Beautiful Mind
Director Ron Howard
Runtime 2 h 15 min
Release Date 11 December 2001
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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A Clockwork Orange

Being the adventures of a young man whose principal interests are rape, ultra-violence and Beethoven.

19712 h 16 min

Demonic gang-leader Alex goes on the spree of rape, mugging and murder with his pack of "droogs". But he's a boy who also likes Beethoven's Ninth and a bit of "the old in-out, in-out". He later finds himself at the mercy of the state and its brainwashing experiment designed to take violence off the streets.

Title A Clockwork Orange
Director Stanley Kubrick
Runtime 2 h 16 min
Release Date 18 December 1971
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Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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A Delicate Balance

The sister who drank too much. The daughter who divorced too much. They're all there when Tobias and Agnes have their little get-together and tear-apart.

19732 h 13 min

In their nice Connecticut home, Agnes and Tobias have grown used to the imperfection and fragility of their marriage. Quietly nursing their grief over the death of their son, they get by well enough together. Agnes' boozy sister wanders in and out, and they allow anxiety-stricken friends to move into an upstairs room. But, when their daughter, Julia, shows up announcing her fourth divorce, long-repressed emotions come to the surface.

Title A Delicate Balance
Director Tony Richardson
Runtime 2 h 13 min
Release Date 12 November 1973
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Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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A Delicate Balance

The sister who drank too much. The daughter who divorced too much. They're all there when Tobias and Agnes have their little get-together and tear-apart.

19732 h 13 min

In their nice Connecticut home, Agnes and Tobias have grown used to the imperfection and fragility of their marriage. Quietly nursing their grief over the death of their son, they get by well enough together. Agnes' boozy sister wanders in and out, and they allow anxiety-stricken friends to move into an upstairs room. But, when their daughter, Julia, shows up announcing her fourth divorce, long-repressed emotions come to the surface.

Title A Delicate Balance
Director Tony Richardson
Runtime 2 h 13 min
Release Date 12 November 1973
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Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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A Knight's Tale

He Will Rock You

20012 h 12 min

William Thatcher, a peasant, is sent to apprentice with a Knight named Hector as a young boy. Urged by his father to "change his Stars", he assumes Sir Hector's place in a tournament when Hector dies in the middle of it. He wins. With the other apprentices, he trains and assumes the title of Sir Ulrich von Lichtenstein.

Title A Knight's Tale
Director Brian Helgeland
Runtime 2 h 12 min
Release Date 11 May 2001
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Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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A Man for All Seasons

...a motion picture for all times!

19662 h 00 min

A Man for All Seasons is the filmed version of the life of Thomas More. An English man comes to Sir Thomas More to ask if he can divorce his wife since King Henry VIII has made it illegal. Sir Thomas More stands up in opposition to the King even though he knows he’s risking his own life. An award winning film from 1966.

Title A Man for All Seasons
Director Fred Zinnemann
Runtime 2 h 00 min
Release Date 12 December 1966
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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A Midsummer Night's Dream

Hold on to Your Heart. Cupid is Armed and Dangerous.

19991 h 56 min

Shakespeare's comedy about two couples in love with the wrong partners, and how they are finally brought together rightly, thanks in part to the bungling work of Puck. It is completely in the language of the Bard, with Pfeiffer as the Fairy Queen and Kline as the one turned into her evening's lover with donkey ears.

Title A Midsummer Night's Dream
Director Michael Hoffman
Runtime 1 h 56 min
Release Date 25 April 1999
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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A River Runs Through It

The Story of an American Family.

19922 h 03 min

A River Runs Through is a cinematographically stunning true story of Norman Maclean. The story follows Norman and his brother Paul through the experiences of life and growing up, and how their love of fly fishing keeps them together despite varying life circumstances in the untamed west of Montana in the 1920's.

Title A River Runs Through It
Director Robert Redford
Runtime 2 h 03 min
Release Date 9 October 1992
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Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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A Room with a View

An Edwardian Romance

19861 h 57 min

When Lucy Honeychurch and chaperon Charlotte Bartlett find themselves in Florence with rooms without views, fellow guests Mr Emerson and son George step in to remedy the situation. Meeting the Emersons could change Lucy's life forever but, once back in England, how will her experiences in Tuscany affect her marriage plans?

Title A Room with a View
Director James Ivory
Runtime 1 h 57 min
Release Date 7 March 1986
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life

A life more compelling than fiction.

19982 h 25 min

Ayn Rand was born in 1905 in St. Petersberg, Russia. She escaped to America in 1926 amidst the rise of Soviet Communism. She remained in the United States for the rest of her life, where she became a much respected author of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. The themes of freedom and individualism were to be her life's passion...

Title Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life
Director Michael Paxton
Runtime 2 h 25 min
Release Date 13 February 1998
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Starring: —
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A Streetcar Named Desire

...Blanche, who wanted so much to stay a lady...

19512 h 05 min

Disturbed Blanche DuBois moves in with her sister in New Orleans and is tormented by her brutish brother-in-law while her reality crumbles around her.

Title A Streetcar Named Desire
Director Elia Kazan
Runtime 2 h 05 min
Release Date 18 September 1951
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Before Sunset

What if you had a second chance with the one that got away?

20041 h 20 min

Nine years ago two strangers met by chance and spent a night in Vienna that ended before sunrise. They are about to meet for the first time since. Now they have one afternoon to find out if they belong together.

Title Before Sunset
Director Richard Linklater
Runtime 1 h 20 min
Release Date 10 February 2004
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Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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20001 h 53 min

Kaisa is a Scot, a successful London lawyer, who snorts coke and has one-night stands with strangers. Her mother calls from Aberdeen with some story begging her to fly to Norway and collect her alcoholic dad whom she hasn't seen in years.

Title Aberdeen
Director Hans Petter Moland
Runtime 1 h 53 min
Release Date 5 July 2000
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Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Above and Beyond


True Story about the Atlantic Ferry Operation during World War II.

Title Above and Beyond
Release Date 29 October 2006
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Starring: —
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From the creator of Being John Malkovich, comes the story about the creator of Being John Malkovich.

20021 h 54 min

A love-lorn script writer grows increasingly desperate in his quest to adapt the book 'The Orchid Thief'.

Title Adaptation.
Director Spike Jonze
Runtime 1 h 54 min
Release Date 6 December 2002
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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After the Fox

Watch your girl, guard your gold, hold your jewels ...the fox is loose!

19661 h 48 min

A criminal mastermind sets up a phony film production as part of a plan to smuggle stolen gold.

Title After the Fox
Director Vittorio De Sica
Runtime 1 h 48 min
Release Date 8 September 1966
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Age of Heroes

They Were Britian's Commando Elite

20111 h 30 min

The true story of the formation of Ian Fleming's 30 Commando unit, a precursor for the elite forces in the U.K.

Title Age of Heroes
Director Adrian Vitoria
Runtime 1 h 30 min
Release Date 19 May 2011
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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What's slower than a speeding bullet, and able to hit tall buildings at a single bound?

19801 h 28 min

Alcoholic pilot, Ted Striker has developed a fear of flying due to wartime trauma, but nevertheless boards a passenger jet in an attempt to woo back his stewardess girlfriend. Food poisoning decimates the passengers and crew, leaving it up to Striker to land the plane with the help of a glue-sniffing air traffic controller and Striker's vengeful former Air Force captain, who must both talk him down.

Title Airplane!
Director Jerry Zucker, Jim Abrahams, David Zucker
Runtime 1 h 28 min
Release Date 2 July 1980
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Movie Rating Not rated
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Meet a man who never met a woman he didn't love.

20041 h 43 min

In Manhattan, the British limousine driver Alfie is surrounded by beautiful women, having one night stands with all of them and without any sort of commitment. His best friends are his colleague Marlon and his girl-friend Lonette. Alfie has a brief affair with Lonette, and the consequences of his act forces Alfie to reflect over his lifestyle.

Title Alfie
Director Charles Shyer
Runtime 1 h 43 min
Release Date 22 October 2004
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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All the King's Men

Time brings all things to light.

20062 h 05 min

The story of an idealist's rise to power in the world of Louisiana politics and the corruption that leads to his ultimate downfall. Based on the 1946 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel written by Robert Penn Warren, loosely based on the story of real-life politician Huey Long.

Title All the King's Men
Director Steven Zaillian
Runtime 2 h 05 min
Release Date 10 September 2006
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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All the President's Men

The most devastating detective story of this century.

19762 h 18 min

During the 1972 elections, two reporters' investigation sheds light on the controversial Watergate scandal that compels President Nixon to resign from his post.

Title All the President's Men
Director Alan J. Pakula
Runtime 2 h 18 min
Release Date 9 April 1976
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
Starring: Dustin Hoffman, Robert Redford, Jack Warden, Martin Balsam, Hal Holbrook, Jason Robards, Jane Alexander, Meredith Baxter, Ned Beatty, Stephen Collins, Penny Fuller, John McMartin, Robert Walden, Frank Wills, F. Murray Abraham, David Arkin, Henry Calvert, Dominic Chianese, Bryan Clark, Nicolas Coster, Lindsay Crouse, Valerie Curtin, Gene Dynarski, Nate Esformes, Ron Hale, Richard Herd, Polly Holliday, James Karen, Paul Lambert, Frank Latimore, Gene Lindsey, Anthony Mannino, Allyn Ann McLerie, James Murtaugh, John O'Leary, Jess Osuna, Neva Patterson, George Pentecost, Penny Peyser, Joshua Shelley, Sloane Shelton, Lelan Smith, Jaye Stewart, Ralph Williams, George Wyner, Leroy Aarons, Donnlynn Bennett, Stanley Bennett Clay, Carol Coggin, Laurence Covington, John Devlin, John Furlong, Sidney Ganis, Amy Grossman, Cynthia Herbst, Basil Hoffman, Mark Holtzman, Jamie Smith-Jackson, Barbara Lipsky, Doug Llewelyn, Jeff MacKay, Irwin Marcus, Greg Martin, Ron Menchine, Christopher Murray, Jess Nadelman, Noreen Nielson, Florence Pepper, Barbara Perlman, Louis Quinn, Peter Salim, Shawn Shea, Marvin Smith, Pam Trager, Carol Trost, Richard Venture, Bill Willens, Wendell Wright, Al Beaudine, Gary Bohn, Stephen Burnette, Marcello Clay, Edward Coch Jr., Cara Duff-MacCormick, Len Felber, Mel Gold, Bart Greene, Francine Henderson, Eugene Jackson, Pauline Lum, Robert S. Mills, Ray Pourchot, John Randolph, Bill Scully, Nico Stevens, Bob Templeton, Lance Vantile Whitfield, Spiro Agnew, Walter Cronkite, Thomas Eagleton, Gerald Ford, Richard Kleindienst, Pat Nixon, Richard Nixon, Ronald Ziegler
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Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel

The Boys are back in town... and they have competition.

20091 h 28 min

Pop sensations Alvin, Simon and Theodore end up in the care of Dave Seville's twenty-something nephew Toby. The boys must put aside music super stardom to return to school, and are tasked with saving the school's music program by winning the $25,000 prize in a battle of the bands. But the Chipmunks unexpectedly meet their match in three singing chipmunks known as The Chipettes - Brittany, Eleanor and Jeanette. Romantic and musical sparks are ignited when the Chipmunks and Chipettes square off.

Title Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel
Director Betty Thomas
Runtime 1 h 28 min
Release Date 21 December 2009
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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...Everything you've heard is true

19842 h 40 min
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American Pie

There's nothing like your first piece.

19991 h 35 min

At a high-school party, four friends find that losing their collective virginity isn't as easy as they had thought. But they still believe that they need to do so before college. To motivate themselves, they enter a pact to all "score" by their senior prom.

Title American Pie
Director Paul Weitz
Runtime 1 h 35 min
Release Date 9 July 1999
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Starring: Jason Biggs, Chris Klein, Thomas Ian Nicholas, Alyson Hannigan, Shannon Elizabeth, Tara Reid, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Seann William Scott, Eugene Levy, Natasha Lyonne, Mena Suvari, Jennifer Coolidge, Chris Owen, Eric Lively, Molly Cheek, Eli Marienthal, Tara Subkoff, Lawrence Pressman, Clyde Kusatsu, Christina Milian, Woody Schultz, Annika Hays, Eden Riegel, Justin Isfeld, John Cho, Alexandra Adi, Akuyoe Graham, Veronica Lauren, Monica McSwain, Fletcher Sheridan, Robyn Roth, Jamar Cargo, Sasha Barrese, Linda Gehringer, Ashton Dane, Katie Lansdale, Jay Rossi, James DeBello, Travis Cody Aimer, Mark Hoppus, Tom DeLonge, Scott Raynor, Daniel Spink, Clementine Ford, Amber Phillips, Casey Erklin, Hilary Angelo, Jasmine Stocken, Jillian Bach, David Kuhn, Dan Coronel, Pete Pallad, J.D. Doyle, Lito Coronel, Markus Botnick, Robby Murakami, Addison Krantz, Alex Nies, Roger Sewell, Donald J. Collins, Ryan Bates, Joe Park, Walter Toole, Travis Petraglia, Richard Schoenberg, Amon Button, Steven Hopkins, Peter McPartlin, Sean Elder, Sean Whitacre, Jon Mark Fabiano, Ian Televik, Joshua Mele, Gian Caputo, Garret Kellenberger, Timothy Sovay, Steven McAfoose, Kevin Tidgewell, Jesse Patterson, Jeff Schwartz, Chris Loudos, Lyle Tomlinson, Sami Atayan, Kurt Zimmerman, Tom Christian, Dustan Beitey, Chris McGnie, Tri C. Nguyen, Kirk Lamitie, Todd Samuel Parker, Casey Affleck, Chris Weitz, Crystal the Monkey, Jim Henry, Travis Barker, Jennifer Austin, Ingrid K. Behrens, Sheypan Draus, Mark-Eugene Garcia, Carmi Greene, Melissa Noble, Jami Philbrick, Marek Probosz, Marilyn Staley
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American Pie 2

This Summer It's All About Sticking Together.

20011 h 48 min

After a year apart - attending different schools, meeting different people - the guys rent a beach house and vow to make this the best summer ever. As it turns out, whether that will happen or not has a lot to do with the girls. Between the wild parties, outrageous revelations and yes, a trip to band camp, they discover that times change and people change, but in the end, it's all about sticking together.

Title American Pie 2
Director J.B. Rogers
Runtime 1 h 48 min
Release Date 10 August 2001
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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When You Can't Breathe You Can't Scream.

19971 h 29 min

A "National Geographic" film crew is taken hostage by an insane hunter, who takes them along on his quest to capture the world's largest - and deadliest - snake.

Title Anaconda
Director Luis Llosa
Runtime 1 h 29 min
Release Date 11 April 1997
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Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Analyze This

New York's most powerful gangster is about to get in touch with his feelings. YOU try telling him his 50 minutes are up.

19991 h 43 min

Countless wiseguy films are spoofed in this film that centers on the neuroses and angst of a powerful Mafia racketeer who suffers from panic attacks. When Paul Vitti needs help dealing with his role in the "family," unlucky shrink Dr. Ben Sobel is given just days to resolve Vitti's emotional crisis and turn him into a happy, well-adjusted gangster.

Title Analyze This
Director Harold Ramis
Runtime 1 h 43 min
Release Date 5 March 1999
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Andrew Lloyd Webber - The Royal Albert Hall Celebration

19982 h 07 min

No overview found.

Title Andrew Lloyd Webber - The Royal Albert Hall Celebration
Director David Mallet
Runtime 2 h 07 min
Release Date 6 June 1998
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Starring: —
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Angela's Ashes

19992 h 25 min

Based on the best selling autobiography by Irish expat Frank McCourt, Angela's Ashes follows the experiences of young Frankie and his family as they try against all odds to escape the poverty endemic in the slums of pre-war Limerick. The film opens with the family in Brooklyn, but following the death of one of Frankie's siblings, they return home, only to find the situation there even worse. Prejudice against Frankie's Northern Irish father makes his search for employment in the Republic difficult despite his having fought for the IRA, and when he does find money, he spends the money on drink.

Title Angela's Ashes
Director Alan Parker
Runtime 2 h 25 min
Release Date 25 December 1999
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Anger Management

Feel the Love.

20031 h 46 min

After a small misunderstanding aboard an airplane escalates out of control, timid businessman Dave Buznik is ordered by the court to undergo anger management therapy at the hands of specialist Dr. Buddy Rydell. But when Buddy steps up his aggressive treatment by moving in, Dave goes from mild to wild as the unorthodox treatment wreaks havoc with his life.

Title Anger Management
Director Peter Segal
Runtime 1 h 46 min
Release Date 11 April 2003
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Anger Management

Feel the Love.

20031 h 46 min

After a small misunderstanding aboard an airplane escalates out of control, timid businessman Dave Buznik is ordered by the court to undergo anger management therapy at the hands of specialist Dr. Buddy Rydell. But when Buddy steps up his aggressive treatment by moving in, Dave goes from mild to wild as the unorthodox treatment wreaks havoc with his life.

Title Anger Management
Director Peter Segal
Runtime 1 h 46 min
Release Date 11 April 2003
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Anne of the Thousand Days

He was King. She was barely 18. And in their thousand days they played out the most passionate and shocking love story in history!

19692 h 25 min

Henry VIII of England discards one wife, Katharine of Aragon, who has failed to produce a male heir, in favor of the young and beautiful Anne Boleyn.

Title Anne of the Thousand Days
Director Charles Jarrott
Runtime 2 h 25 min
Release Date 18 December 1969
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Anne of the Thousand Days

He was King. She was barely 18. And in their thousand days they played out the most passionate and shocking love story in history!

19692 h 25 min
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Apocalypse Now

This is the end...

19792 h 33 min

At the height of the Vietnam war, Captain Benjamin Willard is sent on a dangerous mission that, officially, "does not exist, nor will it ever exist." His goal is to locate - and eliminate - a mysterious Green Beret Colonel named Walter Kurtz, who has been leading his personal army on illegal guerrilla missions into enemy territory.

Title Apocalypse Now
Director Francis Ford Coppola
Runtime 2 h 33 min
Release Date 15 August 1979
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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The movie was fake. The mission was real.

20122 h 00 min
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Around the Bend

The skeletons in the family closet just came out to play.

20041 h 25 min

A tale of four generations of men, all of whom have had their offspring at a young age: a great-grandfather, a grandfather, a father in his twenties and a son who is about 7 years old. When the oldest member passes away, the trio heads out on the road together in the Southwest to search out an old family secret that connects to their past.

Title Around the Bend
Director Jordan Roberts
Runtime 1 h 25 min
Release Date 8 October 2004
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Arsenic and Old Lace

She Passed Out On Cary! No Wonder . . . She's just discovered his favorite aunts have poisoned their 13th gentleman friend!

19441 h 58 min

Mortimer Brewster is a newspaperman and author known for his diatribes against marriage. We watch him being married at city hall in the opening scene. Now all that is required is a quick trip home to tell Mortimer's two maiden aunts. While trying to break the news, he finds out his aunts' hobby; killing lonely old men and burying them in the cellar. It gets worse.

Title Arsenic and Old Lace
Director Frank Capra
Runtime 1 h 58 min
Release Date 23 September 1944
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Art Mind - The Healing Power of Sacred Art

20041 h 19 min

In this innovative release, teacher and internationally exhibited artist Alex Grey considers the healing and transformative potential of sacred art. Grey looks back on the artists, traditions, and experiences that have shaped his career, and examines the metaphysical, mental, health, and emotional benefits that can be had from looking at sacred art created in places around the world.

Title Art Mind - The Healing Power of Sacred Art
Director Jay Weidner
Runtime 1 h 19 min
Release Date 29 June 2004
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Starring: Alex Grey
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Atlas Shrugged Part I

Who is John Galt?

20111 h 37 min

A powerful railroad executive, Dagny Taggart, struggles to keep her business alive while society is crumbling around her. Based on the 1957 novel by Ayn Rand.

Title Atlas Shrugged Part I
Director Paul Johansson
Runtime 1 h 37 min
Release Date 14 April 2011
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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Atlas Shrugged Part II

Who is John Galt?

20121 h 52 min

The global economy is on the brink of collapse. Brilliant creators, from artists to industrialists, continue to mysteriously disappear. Unemployment has risen to 24%. Gas is now $42 per gallon. Dagny Taggart, Vice President in Charge of Operations for Taggart Transcontinental, has discovered what may very well be the answer to the mounting energy crisis - found abandoned amongst ruins, a miraculous motor that could seemingly power the World. But, the motor is dead... there is no one left to decipher its secret... and, someone is watching. It’s a race against the clock to find the inventor and stop the destroyer before the motor of the World is stopped for good. A motor that would power the World. A World whose motor would be stopped. Who is John Galt?

Title Atlas Shrugged Part II
Director John Putch
Runtime 1 h 52 min
Release Date 12 October 2012
Movie Media
Movie Status
Movie Rating Not rated
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